All Access

Is The All Access Pass Right For Me?

Choose from the options below to find out how and when you should take advantage of this offer!

Get the All Access Pass for $15 by logging into the Nut House and clicking Upgrade. Once you upgrade you’ll create an App account which will match your Nut House renew date.


Login to renew your Nut House membership and select All Access Pass for a full year of the Nut House and the App for $40 ($8 discount).


Get the All Access Pass for $17 by logging into the App and following the All Access instructions to create a Nut House account which will match your App renew date.


Get the All Access Pass for $40 (an $8 discount) through the website for a full year of the App and the Nut house. Be sure to sign in with your App login once you get to App activation step.

Sign Up

Cancel your monthly payments through Apple/Google. Get the All Access Pass for $40 (an $8 discount) through the website for a full year of the App and the Nut house. Be sure to sign in with your App login once you get to App activation step.

Sign Up

No need to do anything until one or both accounts expire. Check your expiration date in your App store account. As App subscriptions automatically renew, you should cancel your subscription to avoid double paying. When both memberships have ended, you can then purchase an All Access Pass to get the most value from the offer. Be sure to sign in with your App login once you get to the App activation step.

Login to Renew

Wait until your Nut House membership is close to or has expired. As App subscriptions automatically renew, you should then cancel your subscription in your app store account, before purchasing an All Access Pass membership for $40 ($8 discount) from the Nut House. Be sure to sign in with your App login once you get to App activation step.

Login to Renew

You're ready to get started! Create a new account with the All Access Pass for $40 ($8 discount) to join the Nut House and the App for a full year.

Sign Up