
Luke's Twitter Interview with Yahoo Music!

 Catch the entire interview at Twitter.com/LukeBryanOnline  tag: #ymti

YM: But back to your music, let's talk about your new upcoming album #ymti
LB: I cannot wait for it to come out. I have been working hard on it and I think my fans will really like it. #ymti
YM: Really interested in your collab with Lady A, how did that come about #ymti
LB: Charles, Dave and I being from GA we wanted to write together and thats #how Do I was born. When Hillary heard it she loved it and wanted to sing on it. I was like hell yea and I think her voice is amazing on it.#ymti
YM: As a songwriter no doubt you've worked with lots of amazing talent but this just seems like an awesome combo #ymti
LB: They were a blast. We wrote two songs that day and Do I was the second one. Writing with them you realize how talented they are. #ymti
YM: We can't wait until October, can you give us some more peeks into your album? Themes, tone, what influenced you? #ymti
LB: I think it has a little more edge than the first album. You'll hear a few more guitars but the fiddle and steel is still there.
LB: couple of love songs pretty good bit of upptempos also. We've been doing quite a few at the live shows.#ymti